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达拉斯法官说,你的孩子想进ICU要等另一个孩子先死掉 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2021-8-15 07:26:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 远航一号 于 2021-8-15 10:23 编辑

https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/13/us/dallas-county-no-pediatric-icu-beds-left/index.htmlCNN八月十三日报道,因为新冠肆虐,得克萨斯州达拉斯县法官Clay Jenkins在周五早晨的一次新闻会议上称,达拉斯已经没有空缺的儿科ICU床位了(zero ICU beds left for children),“如果你的孩子遭遇车祸,先天心脏病,或者,更有可能的情况,因为新冠,需要ICU床位,我们已经没了。你的孩子要等另一个孩子死掉。你的孩子不能上呼吸机,她/他需要被飞机转送到Temple,俄克拉荷马,或者任何找得到一张床的地方(That means if your child's in a car wreck, if your child has a congenital heart defect or something and needs an ICU bed, or more likely if they have Covid and need an ICU bed, we don't have one. Your child will wait for another child to die," Jenkins said. "Your child will just not get on the ventilator, your child will be CareFlighted to Temple or Oklahoma City or wherever we can find them a bed, but they won't be getting one here unless one clears.)”


The Guardian八月十三日报道,俄勒冈州长Kate Brown称打算安排部队来帮助当地医院(Oregon governor to send troops to help hospitals as Covid surges)

“很遗憾,我们又要在一个帐篷里工作了(注:field hospital就是帐篷),虽然我们都不想回到这个节点,但是我们还是到了无法照顾所有新冠病人的这个节点。我想当你看见一个大型学术医疗中心开始建立野外医院,就表示我们的系统已经快要崩溃了。”Dr. Alan Jones说。("Unfortunately, we were standing in a tent again. None of us wanted to come back to this point, but it's gotten to the point where we're just not able to care for the patients at UMMC, and in the state of Mississippi, that need the care with COVID," Dr. Alan Jones, associate vice chancellor for clinical affairs, said at a press conference on Thursday. "I think when you're seeing a field hospital at a major academic medical center, we're pretty much at a collapse-like system.")

达拉斯的学校今年原本打算取消远程教学选项,然而开学后不久(注:8月9日开学),因为新冠病例飙升,最终能来上课的只有寥寥数人。现在他们和洛杉矶、西雅图以及其他大城市一样,提供集中(centralized)远程教学。对此,纽约市市议会选举人Shahana Hanif在推特上表示,目前不提供远程教学选项的纽约市应该马上行动改变政策,不能在9月开学后沦落到达拉斯的处境。
We also need a centralized remote learning option this fall. This requires coordination, preparation, investment, & time. We shouldn't be scrambling to set this up in the final days before school starts. The time to act is now: we can't end up like Dallas.
Dallas also entered this school year initially saying no remote option until the school year actually started and they saw cases spike and attendance was dismal. They now join Los Angeles, Seattle, and other major cities in offering a centralized remote option.

I know someone facing possible pacemaker for heart dam[backcolor=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03)]age due to
"mild" breakthrough Covid case 6 weeks ago.  His partner who also got sick (another breakthrough) is being evaluated for high blood sugar--possible diabetes. They're both mid 30s.We can't "live with Covid."
同时,Laurie对Biden选择在新冠病例飙升时期去度假表示不满,“如果是川普这样去度假,CNN, MSNBC,推特民主党声援者肯定早就怒气冲天了。停止脑残粉和为正在犯错中的执政者粉饰,我们正在一场危机中,而总统的应对简直糟透了。“
If Trump had gone on vacation like this, CNN, MSNBC & blue wave Twitter would have (rightfully) melted down with outrage.Stop stanning & carrying water for this admin as it screws up.  This isn't a football game. We are in absolute crisis.[backcolor=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03)] @POTUS response to #delta is abysmal.

Anything other than a full shutdown at this point is large-scale, state-sponsored violence. Hundreds of thousands more will die or suffer permanent damage. This is not your neighbor’s fault. Our government has the power to stop this, but instead encourages it.

My new fascination is left-leaning academic and policy types who focus on social disadvantage, poverty and health, and aren’t particularly interested in or concerned about covid policy right now or going forward
Even now! I am honestly speechless. So many people who spend countless hours reading, writing, talking about the well-being of disadvantaged people are just completely absent as yet another tsunami of preventable suffering arrives.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2021-8-15 07:47:57 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 九花猫 于 2021-8-15 08:15 编辑

2.根据推上粗略观察,很多长新冠(long covid)受害者或者新冠死亡、致残者的家属,不管是在川普还是在拜登治下感染,都对两任总统的抗议政策表示了不满。可见,假如中国也开放后,新冠受害者(估计这次可能真要三千万了)同样会不满新的防疫政策,其怒气首当其冲的自然是政府,一直鼓吹西方抗疫的自由派也跑不了。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2021-8-15 10:22:28 |只看该作者
九花猫 发表于 2021-8-15 07:47
1.西方国家到底能不能做到和病毒和谐共存,未来会不会重新采取强硬的抗议措施,还有待观望。现 ...




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