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西方人对蒋宋的评论摘录 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2013-1-26 23:50:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览



,,,,Like a piece of Chinese jade that shifts its colouraccording to the light, Madame Chiang could by turns be entrancingly beautifuland disappointingly crude.像一块中国的玉石,随着光线改变它的颜色,蒋夫人可以变得迷人的美丽,也可变得令人失望的粗鲁。


The Last Empress byHannah Pakula

Such was the power of herallure that when she met Franklin D Roosevelt in the White House in October1942, the president of the United States took the precaution of placing a cardtable between him and his guest to avoid being “vamped” (his word) by the womanthen being described by Lifemagazine as China’s “Martha Washington”. TheState Department security staff knew known, the better, givingthe “Dragon Lady”, as she was also .ironic code name “Snow White”由于她迷人的魅力,当她194210月在白宫与罗斯福见面时,这位美国总统非常小心,拿了一个打牌的桌子放在他与他的客人之间以避免被这个女人吸血(他用的词,我加注:向美国要钱),她被生活杂志描写为中国的玛莎.华盛顿

Feted in public as China’s“avenging angel”, a woman whose oratory reduced members of the US Congress totears as she solicited support for her countrymen who suffered during theJapanese invasion, in private Madame Chiang was a “tart and brittle woman” whoin fits of pique dumped waste-paper baskets on her servants’ heads.公众给与她复仇的安琪儿的美誉,当她寻求对在日本侵略时期遭受苦难的她的祖国人民支持时,她的演讲使许多美国国会议员流泪。在私下里,蒋夫人是一个冷酷和暴躁的女人她一气之下把废纸篓扣在她的佣人头上。

Even at the White Houseshe ran the staff ragged. Too grand to use a telephone or call-bell, shesummoned help with a sharp clap-clap of the hands, “as if they were Chinesecoolies”. By the time she departed, FDR sourly observed that “the Chinese havelots of problems, and not the least of them is their prima donna”.即使在白宫,她也使工作人员愤怒。太随意使用电话或呼叫铃,她用力地击掌呼叫服务,就像他们是中国的苦力。当她离开时,罗斯福(FDR)心酸地评述道中国有大量的问题,他们的第一夫人问题更大


,,,,,,Her eldersister Ching-ling married Sun Yat-sen, the father of the Chinese nation, herbrother TV Soong was Chiang’s finance minister. In that sense, her marriage toChiang Kai-shek in December 1927 was a dynastic arrangement that laid thefoundations of her husband’s rise to power.她的姐姐宋庆龄嫁给了中国的国父孙中山,她的兄弟宋子文是蒋的财政部长。有理由说,她192712月与蒋介石的婚姻是一种王朝式的安排,由此奠定了她丈夫跃升权利的基础。



The pair were seen as a modernizing influencein China; Timemagazinenamed them Man and Woman of the Year in 1938. The peak of Mme. Chiang’s famearrived in 1943, when she toured America in support of the Nationalist Chinesecause against Japan.(这对夫妇被认为对中国有现代化影响的的人物;时代杂志评选他们为1938年的男女。蒋夫人的名气在1943年达到巅峰,当她游说美国以支持中华民族抗战事业期间。)

Chiang Kai-shek’s government, increasinglybesieged by China’s Communist Party as the 1940s went on, was also rotting fromwithin. He was a ruthless, petty man and a dismal leader. As Theodore H. Whiteand Annalee Jacoby observed, “The manners of the Kuomintang” — theNationalist Party — “in public were perfect; its only faults were that itsleadership was corrupt, its secret police merciless, its promises lies, and itsdaily diet the blood and tears of the people of China.”蒋介石的政府从1940年后逐渐被中国共产党包围,也从内部腐烂。他是一个残酷的,狭隘的人,一个颓丧的领袖。正如Theodore H. White andAnnalee Jacoby 所观察到的:国民党"的举止,在公众面前是完美的; 他的主要的错误是他的领导腐败,他的秘密警察残酷,它的承诺是说谎,他每天吃的是中国人民的血和泪。

Eleanor Roosevelt got a chillingglimpse of Mme. Chiang’s own dark side when Mrs. Roosevelt asked her how shewould deal with a difficult labor leader like John L. Lewis of the United MineWorkers. “She never said a word,” Ms. Roosevelt wrote, “but the beautiful,small hand came up and slid across her throat.”罗斯福夫人看到了蒋夫人冷酷的黑暗面,当她问蒋夫人如何与棘手的工运领袖如联合煤矿工人工会的John L. Lewis打交道时。她一个字都没说,罗斯福夫人写到,但她美丽的小手举起来划过了她的喉咙(我加注:意思就是杀)

,,,,She had no children. Her husband hadcontracted venereal disease before their marriage, Ms. Pakula writes, and wasprobably sterile.宋美龄没孩子,她的丈夫在婚前感染了梅毒,Ms. Pakula写到,可能不能生育。

Ms. Pakula notes the way Mme. Chiang loved to deploy esotericwords (“indehiscence,” “ochlocracy”) in her speeches in English, sendingreporters scrambling for their dictionaries. She observes that President Harry S. Truman, tired of Mme. Chiang’sappeals for money, began to refer to her husband as “Cash My-check.”Ms.Pakula注意到将夫人在她的英文演讲中喜欢用一些深奥的偏词,搞得记者们忙于翻查字典。她也注意到Harry S. Truman总统厌倦蒋夫人对金钱的要求,开始称她的丈夫为兑现我的支票

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2013-1-26 23:51:43 |只看该作者
She details Mme. Chiang’s final years at 10 Gracie Square, an elegant apartment building on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. There she kept three dogs (two bichons and a Yorkshire terrier) and employed 24 servants. There were reports that neighbors complained about the cooking odors and cockroaches in her 18-room apartment, and that Mme. Chiang kept a closet filled with gold bars.她详细描写了蒋夫人在迈哈顿的一个奢华套房。她养了3只狗,雇用了24个佣人。邻居抱怨烧饭时的味道及在她的18个房间的套房中的蟑螂,蒋夫人在她的一个壁橱里藏有金条。
,,,She views Mme. Chiang’s life with interest and occasionally, when warranted, with sympathy. She is clearly in agreement with Eleanor Roosevelt, who summed up Mme. Chiang’s striding performance on the world stage by remarking that while she could “talk beautifully about democracy,” she did “not know how to live democracy.”(Ms. Pakula用一种感兴趣,不时地带着同情的心态看待蒋夫人的一生。她同意罗斯福的看法,当他总结蒋夫人在世界舞台上的自如的表演时,评价道:当她“漂亮地谈论民主时,她不知道如何民主地生活。”

,,,Madame Chiang emerges as more than just her husband’s wife; we see a brilliant, scheming, deliberately alluring, brave, corrupt chameleon of a woman who was Chiang’s main weapon in playing the Americans for nearly all they were worth. Harry S. Truman despised Chiang and the Soongs. “I discovered after some time,” he told one of his biographers, “that Chiang Kai-shek and the Madame and . . . the Soong family and the Kungs were all thieves, every last one of them, the Madame and him included. And they stole $750 million out of the $35 billion that we sent to Chiang.”,,,蒋夫人不单是作为她丈夫的妻子出现;我们看到的是一个有智慧的,搞阴谋的,深思熟虑地诱惑,大胆的,腐败的变色龙女性,她是蒋(介石)几乎要拼命似的耍弄美国的主要武器。Harry S Truman鄙视蒋与宋。他告诉他的自传编写人:“以后我发现蒋介石夫妇和,,,宋及孔氏家族都是小偷,他们每一个人,包括夫人及先生在内。他们偷了我们给蒋(我加注:指蒋政府)350 亿美元中的7.5亿美元。)
我加注:Harry S Truman---罗斯福任职期间任副总统,罗死后接任美国第34届(1945-1953)总统。
,, the Chiangs did not hesitate to murder their adversaries.蒋政府决不犹豫地杀他们的反对者。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2013-1-27 00:23:32 |只看该作者

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