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2014-2-28 01:17| 发布者: 龙翔五洲| 查看: 1128| 评论: 0|原作者: 顾秀林|来自: 顾秀林

摘要: 孟山都公司将获得“大豆植株 适应气候变化和抗病的生物学多样性特征识别”这个可耻的海盗专利。  


作者:顾秀林 发布时间:2014-02-27 来源:顾秀林的博客 

  孟山都公司将获得“大豆植株 适应气候变化和抗病的生物学多样性特征识别”这个可耻的海盗专利。

  位于慕尼黑的欧洲专利局(EPO)拟于2014-2-26授予孟山都公司一项专利权:“大豆植株特定区域适应气候变化和抗病的生物学多样性特征筛选【译者注:疑为筛选DNA片段】”(EP08742297) 。


  这个无耻的专利,由欧洲专利局(EPO)率先批准,声称将适用于美国、加拿大、中国和南非。在美国商业化种植的大豆,70%以上属于下列6个品种之一:中华种,满洲种,中华渥太华种,李奇兰种,AK种,Mukda 种。










  Monsanto’s Soybean Biopiracy

  Patent granted on screening biodiversity in soybean plants for climate adaption and disease resistance

  26 February 2014 Munich. Today the European Patent Office in Munich (EPO) is granting a patent for Monsanto on screening and selecting for soybean plants being adapted to certain climate zones (EP08742297).

  The plants are supposed to show a higher yield under various environmental conditions. The soybeans concerned are wild and cultivated species stemming from Asia and Australia. According to the patent more than 250 plants stemming from “exotic” species were screened for biodiversity in climate adaption and variations in maturity. The usage of hundreds of DNA sequences representing genetic variations are claimed by Monsanto for future conventional breeding in soybeans.

  The patent is also applied in other regions such as the US, Canada, China and South Africa, however the EPO seems to be the first to grant this scandalous patent. 70% of all commercial soybean cultivated in the US is dependent on 6 varieties—Mandarin,Manchu, Mandarin Ottawa, Richland, AK, Mukda.

  This narrow genetic base makes the soy cultivation vulnerable to pests and disease. Through the patent on screening soybean diversity, Monsanto plans to monopolies the soy biodiversity in Asia.

  Asia is home to soybean. What Monsanto calls “exotic” varieties are varieties native to Asia. According to Tommy Carter of USDA,”Chinese farmers domesticated soybeans from 30 to 50 centuries ago. If we could understand how those ancient Chinese farmers did it, we could use similar techniques to get better research results from wild Asian varieties”


  The soybean biopiracy follows an earlier case of Biopiracy of Indian wheat which the Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology had challenged in the European office with other groups. The Biopiracy patent on wheat was withdrawn. This patent on the Biopiracy of Soybean also needs to be withdrawn.

  Monsanto and the other 4 gene giants have taken more than 1,500 patents on climate resilient traits in crops( Biopiracy of Climate resilient crops, Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology) The Indian patent office rejected a Monsanto patent on climate resilient crops.

  It is time for the EPO to follow India’s examples and stop granting patents for Biopiracy.

  It is time for the US government to stop issuing trade threats to India for ensuring that patents are not given for Biopiracy and frivolous and trivial modifications .

  It is time for the International Community to complete the incomplete review of the Monsanto Protection clause in the TRIPs agreement of WTO. Most countries have called for an end to patents on life , and an end to Biopiracy.







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