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数字时代的阶级基础 —— 生活,劳动与价值

2021-1-21 00:26| 发布者: 龙翔五洲| 查看: 4078| 评论: 0|原作者: 乌苏拉·胡斯(Ursula Huws)|来自: 互啄的日常

摘要: 尽管解开复杂的全球价值链条并以此定位我们的劳动过程可能是项枯燥乏味的工作。但如果我们想要了解如何通过集体行动改变这,并开始想象可能的替代方案,这又是一项必不可缺的任务。  















  [1] M. Hardt and A. Negri, Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire , New York: Penguin, 2004; G. Standing, Precariat: The New Dangerous Class , London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2011.

  [2] Hardt and Negri, Multitude ; T. Terranova, ‘Free Labor: Producing Culture for the Digital Economy’, Social Text , 18(2), 2000, pp. 33-58.

  [3] See for instance, M. Andrejevic, ‘Exploiting YouTube: Contradictions of User-Generated Labor’, in P. Snickers and P. Vonderau, eds., The YouTube Reader , Stockholm: National Library of Sweden, 2009; A. Arvidsson and E. Colleoni, ‘Value in Informational Capitalism and on the Internet’, The Information Society, 28(3), 2012, pp. 135-50; J. Banks and S. Humphreys, ‘The Labor of User Co-Creators’, Convergence, 14(4), 2008, pp. 401-18; C. Fuchs, ‘Labor in Informational Capitalism and on the Internet’, The Information Society , 26(3), 2010, pp. 179-96; C. Fuchs, ‘With or Without Marx? With or Without Capitalism? A Rejoinder to Adam Arvidsson and Eleanor Colleoni’, Triple C , 10(2), 2012, pp. 633-45; D. Hesmondhalgh, ‘User-Generated Content, Free Labour and the Cultural Industries’, Ephemera , 10(3/4), 2011, pp. 267-84; A. Ross, ‘On the Digital Labour Question’, in T. Scholz, ed., The Internet as Playground and Factory , New York: Routledge, 2012; and Terranova, ‘Free Labor,’ in Scholz, Internet as Playground and Factory .

  [4] J. Kücklich, ‘Precarious Playbour: Modders and the Digital Games Industry’, The Fibreculture Journal , Issue 5, 2005.

  [5] Alvin Toffler coined this term in his 1980 book The Third Wave , published by Bantam Books. It has since been taken up by a number of other writers working in a Marxist framework, including Christian Fuchs and Ed Comer.

  [6] Banks and Humphreys, ‘The Labour of User Co-creators’, using a term derived from C.K. Prahalad and V. Ramaswamy, ‘Co-Opting Customer Competence’, Harvard Business Review , (January/February), 2000.

  [7] A term coined by Tiziana Terranova in her influential article, ‘Free Labor’.

  [8] U. Huws, ‘Crisis as Capitalist Opportunity: The New Accumulation through Public Service Commodification’, Socialist Register 2012 , Pontypool: Merlin, 2011, pp. 64-84.

  [9] U. Huws, ‘Domestic Technology: Liberator or Enslaver?’, in U. Huws, The Making of a Cybertariat: Virtual Work in a Real World , New York: Monthly Review Press, 2003, pp. 35-41.

  [10] U. Huws, ‘Material World: The Myth of the Weightless Economy’, Socialist Register , 1999, pp. 29-56.

  [11] UNCTAD, World Investment Report , Geneva, 2008.

  [12] According to UNCTAD, 60 per cent of manufacturing TNCs were planning to increase their FDI in the next year, compared with 45 per cent of firms in the primary sector and 43 per cent of those in services. See World Investment Report , 2012, p. 19.

  [13] Karl Marx, Grundrisse , ‘Chapter on Money’ Part II, available at http://www. marxists.org.

  [14] D. W. Smythe, ‘Communications: Blindspot of Western Marxism’, Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory , 1(3), 1977, pp. 1-27.

  [15] C. Fuchs, ‘Dallas Smythe Today – The Audience Commodity, the Digital Labour Debate, Marxist Political Economy and Critical Theory. Prolegomena to a Digital Labour Theory of Value’, Triple C , 10(2), 2012, pp. 692-740.

  [16] D. W. Smythe, ‘On the Audience Commodity and its Work’, in M.G. Duncan and D.M. Kellner, eds., Media and Cultural Studies , Malden, MA: Blackwell, 1981, p. 233.

  [17] A. Hearn, ‘Structuring Feeling: Web 2.0, Online Ranking and Rating, and the Digital “Reputation” Economy’, Ephemera , 10(3/4), 2010, pp. 421-38.

  [18] C. Morini and A. Fumagalli, ‘Life Put to Work: Towards a Life Theory of Value’, Ephemera , 10(3/4), 2010, pp. 234-52.

  [19] K. Marx, Capital , Chapter 1, available at http://www.marxists.org.

  [20] Huws, Making of a Cybertariat , p. 17.

  [21] This point is made a little differently in a discussion of the distinction between productive and unproductive labour by Marx in Capital , Chapter 4.

  [22] Except in some special circumstances, such as when workers are paid to go on Facebook and click ‘like’ on commercial websites in the ‘pay per click’ model. But here they are not employed by Facebook but by companies linked to these commercial websites which have some commodity to sell, so they should more accurately be regarded as belonging to the value chain of these commodity-producing companies.

  [23] Arvidsson and Colleoni, ‘Value in Informational Capitalism’.

  [24] Arvidsson and Colleoni, unpublished manuscript.

  [25] ‘All Eyes on the Sharing Economy’, The Economist , 9 March 2013.

  [26] I am indebted to Kaire Holts for drawing my attention to this explanation of the business model of reCAPTCHA by its originator, who also founded Duolingo , available at http://www.willhambly.com. See also the related video, available at http://www.inmyinnovation.com.

  [27] I have discussed the concept of the ‘business function’ and its relation to Marxist analysis in several publications. See for instance, U. Huws, ‘The Restructuring of Global Value Chains and the Creation of a Cybertariat’, in Christopher May, ed., Global Corporate Power: (Re)integrating Companies into International Political Economy (International Political Economy Yearbook Volume 15), Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2006, pp. 65-84; and U. Huws, ‘The Emergence of EMERGENCE: The Challenge of Designing Research on the New International Division of Labour’, Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation , 1(2), 2007, pp. 20-35.

  [28] I have analysed the relationship of creative labour to capital elsewhere. See, for instance, U. Huws, ‘Expression and Expropriation: The Dialectics of Autonomy and Control in Creative Labour’, Ephemera , Volume 10(3/4), 2010.

  [29] Kittur et al., ‘The Future of Crowd Work’, 2013, available at http://hci. stanford.edu.

  [30] K. Holts, ‘Towards a Taxonomy of Virtual Work’, Hertfordshire Business School Working Paper, 2013.

  [31] Marx, Grundrisse , Notebook V. It should be noted that this interpretation of this passage is disputed. Marx is often considered to be making a special exception of transport workers (perhaps because they were a group with strong potential trade union organisation – a potential that was more-than-realised in the twentieth century when transport workers played a key role in industrial action). It is my view that his argument applies equally to other forms of labour involved in getting products to market, many of which were inconceivable at the time when he was writing.

  [32] Terranova, ‘Free Labor’.

  [33] B. Weinbaum and A. Bridges, ‘The Other Side of the Paycheck: Monopoly Capital and the Structure of Consumption’, Monthly Review , 28(3), 1976.

  [34] See for instance, Huws, ‘Domestic Technology’.

  [35] See K. Marx, Economic Manuscripts , Chapter 4, available at http://www. marxists.org.

  [36] I use the term ‘externalising’ here to refer to the ways in which employers increase the productivity of paid staff by transferring some or all of their unpaid tasks to unpaid consumers in the form of self-service, whether through the operation of machines such as ATMs or self-service supermarket or online activities such as booking tickets, filling in tax returns or ordering goods.

  [37] Marx, Economic Manuscripts , Chapter 2.

  [38] A. Ross, ‘In Search of the Lost Paycheck’, in Scholz, Internet as Playground and Factory , p. 15.

  [39] I have anatomised these in greater detail in Huws, ‘Expression and Expropriation’, pp. 504-21.

  [40] Marx, Economic Manuscripts , ‘Productive and Unproductive Labour’.

  [41] See, for instance, R. Perlin, Intern Nation: How to Earn Nothing and Learn Little in the Brave New Economy , London: Verso, 2011.

  [42] I have written more extensively about this in U. Huws, ‘The Reproduction of Difference: Gender and the Global Division of Labour’, Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation , 6(1), 2012, pp. 1-10.

  [43] K. Marx, ‘Division of Labour and Forms of Property – Tribal, Ancient, Feudal’, Part 1, A, The German Ideology , 1845, available at http://www.marxists.org.

  [44] F. Engels, On Marx’s Capital , Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1956 [1877], p. 89.

  [45] For more on this, see my blog post on ‘Hunger in a Supermarketocracy’, available at http://ursulahuws.wordpress.com. In the UK, according to HM Revenue and Customs, ‘the numbers of families without children receiving Working Tax Credits-only has risen over time, almost doubling from 235,000 in April 2004 to around 455,000 in April 2009 and now at just over 580,000 in April 2012’ and ‘the numbers of families benefiting from the childcare element has consistently risen over time, from 318,000 in April 2004 to around 493,000 in April 2011’. By this date, tax credits (paid to workers in employment) already accounted for 27 per cent of all benefit spending – by far the largest single component. By comparison, Job-seekers Allowance (paid to the unemployed) accounted for only 4 per cent. In the USA, similarly, many large companies rely on government-provided benefits, such as food stamps and Medicaid, to subsidise below-subsistence wages. For instance, Wal-Mart employees are estimated to receive $2.66 billion in government assistance every year, or about $420,000 per store. See HM Revenue and Customs, Child and Working Tax Credits Statistics , Office of National Statistics, 2012; and P. Ryan, ‘Walmart: America’s Real “Welfare Queen”’, Daily Kos , 2012, available at http://www. dailykos.com.

  [46] See http://www.cleanclothes.org.








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